Lost at work
The lack of posts doesn't mean a lack of interest, just a lack of time. My current schedule has me leaving for work at 7:30 in the morning and returning home at 10 p.m. The only day I don't work late is Friday. I'm overextended and have only myself to blame and there's 6 weeks left of the term.
Even with the long hours I do manage to spend time knitting. My Saturday afternoons are spent at the Knitting Beehive with Susan, there's knitting time during my lunch hour, and I knit when commuting to work. Sometimes I knit before bed but mostly I crawl into bed and escape into oblivion.

He can be seen dancing outside Rogue River.
Even with the long hours I do manage to spend time knitting. My Saturday afternoons are spent at the Knitting Beehive with Susan, there's knitting time during my lunch hour, and I knit when commuting to work. Sometimes I knit before bed but mostly I crawl into bed and escape into oblivion.
Knitting Gloves
I've joined my first KAL (knit-along) - the Peaceful Palms KAL - because I'm going to knit gloves and it's more fun with a group of people. The gloves I'm going to knit are based on Meg Swanson's i-cord gloves. Two nights ago I had a dream about the gloves and so have a general idea what they look like. The fingers and thumbs will be black, the palms and backs will probably be a mosaic or fair isle pattern made using bright colors with black, and the cuffs will probably be longer than usual without being gauntlets. Being a dream I didn't get a good look at the pattern so will have to come up with the actual pattern. Time to get out the colored pencils.The Dancing Priest

He can be seen dancing outside Rogue River.